Jesus Lover. Living in Grace.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Weight Journey

 Hello Friends!  And passerbys!  I havn't updated in a awhile due to not a lot of eventful things going on, it would have made for a boring read.  I have recently started a weight loss journey so thought this was worthy of sharing.  I have lost close to 30 pounds.  Yay for me!  

This has been a lot of work and I have sweated a lot more than I ever did in my 20's or 30's to try and lose weight.  I started a workout program called ifit and I absolutely love it.  The treadmill is linked to the ifit app and it keeps up with the trainers in relation to how fast they are going or if there is an incline the treadmill will automatically mimic the app.  It has helped greatly in my weight loss.  

Also I have continued with drinking water and lessening my portion sizes.  I used to just gorge on anything and everything all day and now it is more controlled.  I have to plan meals several days ahead so I don't try and make something quick that could throw me of course.  That has played a huge part in the weight program.  

Here is a before and then the progress I have made so far. 

1st week of April when I really started getting serious about weight loss and signed up for the ifit app.

This is the final week of May.  You can see the sweat that drips off by the end of the workout session.  I love it!  

The Pictures don't really show the change as drastically, but I have lost close to 30 pounds!  I feel a lot better and not so out of breath. 

I am going to continue the weight loss journey because I have seen results and want to continue.  I do allow myself a free day in the week and lately that has turned into 2 free days.  I am going to need to start curbing that in order to see results even more.  I will be 50 soon so I really would like to be in shape by then.  I am solely responsible for the maintenance of my home and my health, so I have to work extra hard to make sure I am on top of my game.  And to do that it requires me to be mentally and physically alert.  

Stay Blessed Friends!  

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