If you stumbled on my blog, what is one thing I would want you to know about me.
That I am a born-again Christian, no longer living as I did before but living a new life. My background is in the church. I have been attending church regularly since at least 5 years of age. My precious mom who was a widow, introduced us to a church in Deland, Fl called Berea. This is where my relationship with God began.
We were in an active children's ministry where they would put on puppet shows, have nights where we would do fun things like eat spaghetti-o's and watch movies. We would go to theme parks, we would put on christmas presentations and then we would each get a present afterwards, that was the real highlight! This church ministry was amazing! The youth pastors were Ruth and Jim Markham. I remember them moving in next to us in a duplex. And I thought Ruth was so pretty, she wore high heels had soft curls and was just the sweetest person always smiling. This was my introduction to church. Not everyone has the same story but I was lucky.
Then youth came around, this is where you meet all the people from school and "have to go" since your parents make you. But I can say that I enjoyed my youth group. I was in to boys a lot so that was where a lot of my focus was Buuuttt all that to say, the word was being absorbed into my soul.
My parents were routine church attenders so eveeerrrry Sunday morning, eveeerrrry Sunday night and eveeeerrry Wednesday night we would go to church. I am talking y'all we had to go, no options! And we did not get sick a lot because we had praying parents so I knew where I was going to be without questions on a Sunday morning. On the second pew sitting next to my momma in church. (Except in the evenings where the balcony was the place of choice).
As I grew older I did not attend church as much and even stopped going. I married when I was 19 and he was not a church goer so I stopped going. My faith was not really being watered at that time. We would go occasionally but not routinely. I would still say I was a Christian though. And I would sometimes go back to the days of my youth and remember all that was poured into me. But I had freedom to choose when I would go.
After about 20 years of marriage, we (my ex husband and I) were going to church, tithing, participating in small groups but again it was the distraction of people that my focus was on. So much so that I lost focus of my own life. I started focusing on all the bad things in my life and did not water the good. I was naive to what was happening.
We divorced in 2015. I was a woman who had made some choices and landed me right where I was, single!
And here I am 8 years later, still single. Yes, I have dated some since then. Even had a fiancé but he wasn't who God chose for me although I loved him and thought he was hot! But one thing I will tell you is that meeting him helped put me on the right track to finding God as number one in my life. God can take anything and use it for good. I realized that the real person I should be dating is God.
And once I started diving into God's word, and who he says I am, there was no turning back.
And here we are, 2024. God is good, God is faithful! He can fill every place of lack. So I am placing my trust and faith in a God that never fails.
This may have been a little deep based on other blogs I have read but it is the real me, the other stuff like fashion, makeup, is all just fun! But what wakes me up on a daily basis? Well, now you know!
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